A Slice of Bluetiful
Line drawing of the pickup truck

Oblique view of a parked vintage blue truck with desert mountains in the background.

The Story of Bluetiful

Oblique view of a vintage blue truck in a driveway with green lawn and leaves all around it.

Where Will We Go?

A vintage blue truck parked parallel in front of Commander's Palace in New Orleans. The tree-lined street stretches away in perspective.

Over to New Orleans!

A vintage blue truck on the playa of Black Rock City in northwestern Nevada. The Painted mountains are distant. The tires of the truck are covered in grayish alkaline dust.

Up to Burning Man!

A vintage blue truck parked along the curb on a shady tree-lined avenue in front of a old-neighborhood house.

Down to Galveston!

Point of view of driving an old truck on a two lane highway into vast scenery. A thin out-of-round steering wheel, dust-covered speedometer, strange objects on a dirty steel dashboard, comet shaped dead bugs, then the road stretching into a vanishing point under far-away mountains.
The pickup truck after an accident.
The pickup truck t-boned.

BLUETIFUL IS DEAD! But is she gone?

Front view of the A Slice of Bluetiful sculpture.
Side view of the A Slice of Bluetiful sculpture.

A Slice of Bluetiful